Rajendra Dhawan

Rajendra Dhawan was born in New Delhi in 1936. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux -Arts from 1953 -1960. He founded the group unknown which exhibitied in 1964.
Dhawan has evovled a subtle, complex and unmistakable poetics of reluctance. He does not seem to be wanting to say too much in his art. In a manner of speaking, his art is quite and reluctant, unwilling to impose itself or even assert its vision. It makes you see yourself, discover and connect rather than state either its intimations or clearly delineate its directions. His works are gentle invitations;the viewer must look at them patiently and imaginatevely to imbibe their reality. They are visaul experiences which can hardly be verbalised.
Since 1970, Rajendra Dhawan has been living and working in Paris.